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Saturday, December 31, 2011

'On the Nature of Psychic Warfare' by Charlie

I have spent a bit of time trying to see what goes on in sites.
I think there are wheels within wheels in sites most have no idea the others exist.
A bit of typical watching, profiling of people.

Psychologists study people on sites and get to see people in a setting where they will do and say things with less social restraint because of their anonymity.
Disinformation agents, because if there is a section of the population obsessed with finding secrets and non public knowledge it pays to give them something to find so they won't look a little harder and find the real truth.
Intel groups just to sample public thinking.
Social programmers who like to test the reaction of the public to certain stresses.
people testing out their AI computer programs, there aren't any better places to test your AI program than in forums.. Computer geeks have a competition every year to see who has the best computer program that can make people think it is a human.

So so sites are quite interesting in what goes on that might not have anything to do with the site owners knowledge.

There is quite a bit of money in selling certain agendas on the net we usually call them shills but there actual are companies that pay for it, most shills try and become a mod..
Computer gaming is always trying to sell its latest games so a mod might delete all of the negative comments about the latest game if they worked for the game company.
I wonder how much intel agencies would offer you if you were the biggest conspiracy site in the net?

Scientific experiments involving reality experiments could also be happening.
It seems we create a lot of the group reality together, if you get enough people at the same time thinking the same things you can get thinks to happen, occultist have known this for some time.
Sports matches, go to a game and feel the home team advantage, most top level players will tell you the crowd can lift you, force of will/want nothing more than a basic demonstration of the "force" if you like.
Things happen around people all the time that they don't notice how it may really work.
If you can get a lot of people thinking the same thought you can get things to happen that is why the media is always painting pictures for the masses to follow.

Changing peoples opinion through peer pressure.

I read that a few days ago about tavistock practicing this idea on people on sites to help gauge the technique. Part of out herd mentality is to follow the trends, the people who don't are a worry to social programmers they don't fit the boxes and must be studied so they can be worked out, and learn to manipulate their opinions too.

I read a lot of books and internet stuff it gives you a pile of ideas to follow.
There is only so long the masses can stay asleep if the social programmers push then into smaller boxes with less to spend. 
when did life become about paying the bills? 
that will make people open to a different way I believe.
It just seems like keep helping people and wait for the right timing, people don't want to have to change when there lives are easy and comfortable, but when they are screwed down they are a bit more open to looking at the options I hope..

Look after yourself KK


SpaceyOne said...

Yes, people have long forgotten that we were born to be free, happy and to learn about other things when we came to Earth.

The governments and churches, over the centuries, have brainwashed people into believing that life is all about a hard day's work and earning a dollar.

Now hat's no longer good enough for them. We are no longer permitted to keep a dollar for ourselves.

They have made it so that the majority of people have little time or money left, after paying the bills, for any kind of real enjoyment, learning or spiritual growth.

I also hope that the situation impels people to break free, rather than allow themselves to be further contained, manipulated, restricted and used up.

Unknown said...

Great comment Spacey, makes me think about "the meek will inherit the Earth".
Because when you have no money, and have fallen out of the race, you have the time and mental freedom to devote to what matters. And a very humble disposition.

Anonymous said...

People can laugh but there are people who live and breath that have the power and force of will to leave their body and direct their spirit to do their will on the living.
I know because it has happened to me.
A psychic attack by a man who tried and failed to separate me from a female friend. It was a feeling of weight pressing down on my chest and a just a malevolent presence in the night. Unforgettable.