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Thursday, September 4, 2014

'Banned on Godlike Productions Forum Again' by K.Kool

Yep, I've done it again, spoken up for free speech, and even though I'm paid up to avoid bans, I can't get back in unless I send Trinity (Ghetto Monk) a personal email.

The instigating comment:
"I miss the days when GLP was the last bastion of free speech and folks got drunk together".
I mean - really?
That is grounds for banning me?
Maybe I could understand it, if I made a continual practice of it, and denigrated the forum constantly, but I don't, I post many more positive comments on it than I do negative ones.
I get that Trinity is the owner of the site, and as such can do what he wants, but posting some criticism should surely be tolerated, especially as the site really was an internet flag-bearer for freedom of speech, long before he bought it, and had a well-deserved reputation for it too.

We are in the days when freedom of speech is under attack, like never before in the digital age, and I know Trinity hates political correctness and the erosion of individual freedom as much as I do.
It makes me think he's banned me for holding some opposing views, merely because they are opposing.
And, I suspect it has something to do with my Catholicism, since a thread I posted asking this was immediately deleted a while ago, and Trinity has posted derogatory remarks about the Pope.
Earlier this year, the amount of vicious anti-Catholic sentiment was prolific on GLP, no matter what I posted to give more accurate information on any topic, it received abuse and hatred.
Gradually, I made some inroads, through perseverance and reason, and other Catholics have started coming out of the 'woodwork'.
Is this some kind of threat to Trinity?
If so, and I know I'm just speculating here (I am a conspiracy theorist after all) then maybe the explanation is that Trinity is a freemason.
I've spoken A LOT about the masons, and if you're on the lucky ones who can read Godlike Productions, do a search under my name if you want to know more.
Or - send me a comment :)


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