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Monday, October 17, 2011

'Day One' by Kalamity Kool

The main feeling, at this incredibly forest-still evening at my shack, is oh shit, now I have to come up with something, some words to rise to the challenge...

'A story a day' he said.
I take comfort in the fact Juan Star has to do it, too and I wonder is he stuck for words or are they flowing out of him like a river.

I haven't eaten yet, but I had to make a start, be a conjurer on an empty stomach, for a while...
I did go for an explore of the property, and found an amazing looking tree, and collected wildflowers, before they all go in the next few weeks.
It occurs to me I sound like a hippy, and I don't like it, but what can I do, lol?

Even the dinner I had, a big bowl of salad, with avocado, beetroot, sweet potato and falafel - !
sounds like a hippy dinner.


My friend, hootn' Annie, says now the world needs more hippies.

I'm not so sure, but I do know the world needs fixing, badly.

It is very good to be back at the shack after a week in town, I have supplies, and I have plans..
the garden, the Stalker, and a surf somewhere :)
My sister has plans, too - she wants me to go to a party this weekend, she's trying to hook me up with an ex-science teacher, I'm not so sure,
but I do know I don't like the feeling of being set-up.

The kangaroos haven't eaten my parsley, and the tomato plants and the basil are growing well, in the makeshift greenhouse, and  the worms have started doing their thing.
Maybe I'm growing reconciled to the life of a hippy...

 even if I am NOT one ;)

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