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Friday, September 27, 2013

Rattling the Cages

Spring storms stretch patience
wind rattling brain fibers like steel strings
playing discordant harmonies of sun-starved skin
yet the clear crystal notes of summer hang off the trees
pruned by nature with fallen branches laying at their feet
much like my dreams of wide-armed men 
holding me nesstled on love's wild gales
dreams I've tossed so wildly into the wind
full of heat formed summer brown limbs
now twitching to dance naked again
under warm nighted skies of lavender blue
the romantic is born anew.


The city was brave and bold, its denizens waiting, and waiting some more for summer to hurry up.
Maybe enough rain for the dams to parch the land's thirst, so insatiable after years, and more years, of never enough.

I held babies.
Truly one of the most rewarding activities possible!
I can see I'm substituting the lack of a man's love with a roly-poly baby, this could be psychologically suspect...
but never spiritually suspect.

(so good to be back home)


My recent Godlike Productions Forum threads:


(wow, I have been quiet!)


Unknown said...

K kool you are the koolest kat in the world. :)

Keep rattling those cages. Write more poetry. I love it.

Your friend, Institutionalized.

Unknown said...

Why is this program prompting me to write more comments. I already wrote a comment. Now I'm going to seem a bit off in the head. Why am I continuing to type?? If I publish this comment will I be prompted to write yet another comment? Where and when will it end??