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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

KK Blog - 2 October 2012

These too mobile days of my homeless existence leave me with no room to write
I have ungracefully succumbed, the expectant dreamer that I am
and so find unexpected pockets of grace that fill my heart to overflowing.

My heart open in this way, my mind struggling to keep up,
my Lord is stepping in
with his big soft feet
kneading my being into place.

I have a good new car now, thanks to my daughter
and soon, a little home of my own, fingers crossed,
a grand-daughter forming,
summer around the corner
a son returning home,
possibly even a new drug that would nearly cure my daughter...!
So much hope as the world slowly burns
away with the decrepid festering old ways
and in with a whole new world

so many words to bubble up out of me,
may grace find them a home, a page to form on.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say you have a great site and thanks for posting!…